What is AIM for Christ?
The AIM in our feather logo stands for American Indian Missions. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit that is dedicated to loving and serving impoverished Native reservation communities with the gospel and love of Christ.
Our Mission
Bringing the Gospel, the love of Christ and hope to Tribal nations in the name of Jesus.
Our vision is to spread the Gospel, to free people from bondage, and to bring them to a thriving life in Christ for future generations
Our Core Values
With God's leading, these are the values we operate with. We want to bring TRUTH in LOVE to give HOPE which builds FAITH, all done with COMPASSION.
Whether through our weekly Bible studies or open-air evangelism, we aim to share the uncompromising powerful TRUTH of the Word of God and Gospel of Jesus.
We want to LOVE as Jesus loves, as we lovingly pray with people, or share and serve others with LOVE.
Unfortunately, we witness a lot of hopelessness in this mission field. We desire to bring HOPE to people without hope, ultimately this is done by pointing them to Christ.
Without FAITH it is impossible to please God. With FAITH in Christ we have seen Him do the impossible.
Our heart breaks for the lost and those in spiritual need and because of this we are moved with COMPASSION.
The Call Has Gone Out!
300 AIMers
Are you one of the 300? These 300 AIMers are answering the call to support us to start outreaches of love and compassion to a group that needs help. From giving clean water, building repairs, providing food, and ministering to kids and youth needing direction in this dark world, the call is going out to look for those that will stand in the gap to help make a difference.
We are thankful for the partnerships the Lord has given us.
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Today's Weather and Forecast
San Carlos Apache Nation (AZ)
Navajo Nation (AZ)
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